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Showing posts with label Scholarships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scholarships. Show all posts

Graduation Day: Over 450 candidates get degrees at MMES Arts & Science College for Women in Melvisharam

It’s a memorable day in their career for the students of Melvisharam Muslim Education Society (MMES) Arts & Science College for Women. A total of 459 candidates received their degrees at the 5th Graduation Day of the Melvisharam Muslim Education Society (MMES) Arts & Science College for Women in Melvisharam on Sunday.

Fifteen of them are university rank holders of Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore — seven postgraduates and eight graduates.

Vice-Chancellor of Tamil Nadu Open University Dr. (Mrs.) Chandrakantha Jeyabalan, delivered the Graduation Day Address and distributed the certificates to the candidates in the presence of S. Ziaudeen Ahmed, General Secretary and K. Anees Ahmed, Correspondent of the college. Freda Gnanaselvam, Principal coordinated the programme.

Following are the University rank-holders:

Arifa and Thasleemunnisa C. (I and II rank, M.Sc. Biotechnology);

Pavithra K. (III rank, B.A. English);

Suhajidha Thabasum S. (III rank, B.Sc. Computer Science);

Arifa Yasmeen F. (III rank, M.A. English);

Noorunisha M. (V rank, BBA);

Srimathi R. (V rank, B.Sc. Biotechnology);

Jansi Priyanka J. (VI rank, BBA); Anitha S. (VI rank, M.A. English);

Sogarunnisa H. (VI rank, B.Sc. Biotechnology); Shabnam Shereen A. (VI rank, M.Sc. Biotechnology);

Suganya S. (VII rank, M.A. English); Asma Afreen M.H. (IX rank, B.Sc. Biotechnology);

Sohaniya Taj H. (X rank, B.Sc. Biotechnology); Sopna R. (X rank, M.Sc. Biotechnology).

MC congratulates the graduates for their achievements, also their parents for their children’s accomplishment, and wishes the graduates to take their dreams to the corners of their smiles, to the highest of their hopes, to every windows of their opportunities in their careers!

Students Are No More Interested In The SCIENCES. Why???

Date: May 8, 2015 posted on Masha’l by Mohammed Suhail
On asking a question about what is your plan after plus two to any Visharami students, the answer without a thought is engineering irrespective of career plans or huge fees. They feel that engineering alone can keep their status while the rest of other courses are nebulous. Student here in Visharam do not plan for their career, the just get into what others are doing, so-far not a single student have planned to become a Journalist or Psychologist or Sociologist or Geologist or Social Work or Physicist etc.

The same is the case for Vaniyambadi  where Prof. Mohammed Suhail gives his thoughts in his FB page. Here is the extract below:
Kind Attention: PLUS TWO GRADS
Students are no more interested in the SCIENCES. Why???
At home, Islamiah College (Autonomous), Vaniyambadi offers
B.Sc, M.Sc., M.Phil., & Ph.D in PHYSICS
What Can You Do With a College Degree in Physics?
The answer most appropriate for this question is: anything she wants to do. However, while some physics majors go on to become professional physicists, the majority pursue careers in fields where they can put their knowledge to more practical applications. With their skills in problem-solving, mathematical reasoning, computer programming, and organizing and interpreting scientific data, physics grads can move into government and industrial jobs that require an ability to think logically and creatively. Physics majors are well-suited to jobs that require step-by-step problem solving using math skills and good observational and communication skills.
A wide range of industries seeks physics graduates: telecommunications, industrial physics, hospital physics, electronics, computing, quality control testing, banking, insurance, teaching, management, technical sales and the armed forces, for starters. Students who become physicists tend to specialize in one or more areas of physics, such as:
Nuclear Physics
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Space Physics
Physics Education
Engineering Physics
Computer Science
Go through this article to know more!

CAHCET - Awarded "A Grade" By NAAC

Date: May 7, 2015, Source: THE HINDU
The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) has awarded `A’ grade to the C. Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering and Technology (CAHCET), Melvisharam.
The college was assessed by a strong peer team.
According to a press release from the college, the peer team was led by B.S. Sonde, former Vice-Chancellor, Goa University.
The members comprising the team included N. Alagumurthy, Professor, Pondicherry Engineering College and Member Coordinator, and Vilas V. Karjinni, Principal, Kolhapur Institute of Technology and College of Engineering.
They visited the college for three days, March 26 to 28, 2015. A number of factors were taken into account for assessment.
They verified the infrastructural facilities and quality of academic activities through interactions with the teaching and non-teaching staff, students, parents, alumni, management, Internal Quality Assurance Cell and the Principal.

Merit cum means based Scholarship to Minority Communities 2011

Reference Links

Advertisement (click the Link)
Details About Scholarship (click the Link)
FAQ (click the Link)
List of Eligible Institutions 5072 is CAHCET number (click the Link)
User Manual for Students (click the Link)

Conditions for Scholarship

i) Financial assistance will be given to pursue degree and/or post graduate level technical and professional courses from a recognized institution. Maintenance allowance will be credited to the student’s account. The course fee will be paid by the State Department directly to the institute concerned.

ii) Students who get admission to a college to pursue technical/professional courses, on the basis of a competitive examination will be eligible for the scholarship.

iii) Students who get admission in technical/professional courses without facing any competitive examination will also be eligible for scholarship. However, such students should have not less than 50% marks at higher secondary/graduation level. Selection of these students will be done strictly on merit basis.

iv) Continuation of the scholarship in subsequent years will depend on successful completion of the course during the preceding year.

v) A scholarship holder under this scheme will not avail any other scholarship/stipend for pursuing the course.
vi) The annual income of the beneficiary/parent or guardian of beneficiary should not exceed Rs.2.50 lakh from all sources.

vii) The state department will advertise the scheme every year latest by 31st March and receive the application through the concerned institutions.

viii) After scrutinizing the applications, the state department will prepare a consolidated budget for all eligible students and send an application in the prescribed pro-forma for release of fund from the Ministry of Minority Affairs for distribution of scholarship giving the details of each students viz. name, permanent address, telephone number, annual course fee, name & address of institute, whether hostler or day-scholar, etc.

ix) The application for release of fund from the state department must be received in the Ministry by 30th of September every year.

x) The state department will maintain separate bank account and records relating to the funds received from the Ministry and they will be subjected to inspection by the officers of the Ministry or any other agency designated by the Ministry.

xi) The fund for distribution of scholarship in subsequent year will be released after receiving the utilization certificate for the previous year. Annual inspection by the officers of the Ministry or any other agencies designated by the Ministry will also be carried out.

xii) 30% scholarship will be reserved for girls of each minority community in a state which is transferable to male student of that community in case of non-availability of female candidate in that community in the concerned state.

xiii) If the target for distribution of scholarship to a particular minority community in a state/UT is not fulfilled, it will be distributed among the same minority community of other States/UTs strictly in accordance with the merit.

xiv) A student residing in a particular State/UT will be entitled for scholarship under the quota of that State/UT only irrespective of his place of study.

xv) The number of scholarship has been fixed state-wise on the basis of minority population of the states/UTs. Within the state-wise allocations, the applications from reputed institutions will be exhausted first. The list of such institutions will be made available by the Ministry of Minority Affairs.

xvi) The scheme will be evaluated at regular intervals and the cost of the evaluation will be borne by the Ministry of Minority Affairs under the provision of the scheme. An additional provision of 3% of the total budget will be made to meet the administrative and allied costs viz. expenditure on monitoring of the scheme, impact study, evaluation study, purchase of office equipments, engaging of contract employees, if necessary and other expenditure to run the cell etc. This will be shared between the Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India and the State Governments/UT Administration.

Rate of Scholarship

The rate of scholarship will be as under :

(Click the image to enlarge)

* Full course fee will be reimbursed for eligible institutions listed at Annexure-III .


i) Maintenance allowance is payable from 1st April or from the month of admission, whichever is later, to the month in which the examinations are completed, (including maintenance allowance during holidays) maximum twice a year, provided that if the scholar secures admission after the 20th day of a month, the amount will be paid from the month following the month of admission.

ii) In case of renewal of scholarships awarded in the previous years, maintenance allowance will be paid from the month following the month upto which scholarship was paid in the previous year, if the course of study is continuous.

iii) The Government of the State/Union Territory Administration, to which they belong, in accordance with the procedure laid down by them in this regard, will pay the scholarship money to the selected students.

iv) Scholarship will not be paid for the period of internship/housemanship in the M.B.B.S. course or for a practical training in other course if the student is in receipt of some remuneration during the internship period or some allowance/stipend during the practical training in other course.

Other Conditions for the Award

i) The scholarship is dependent on the satisfactory progress and conduct of the scholar. If it is reported by the Head of the Institution at any time that a scholar has by reasons of his/her own act of default failed to make satisfactory progress or has been guilty of misconduct such as resorting to or participating in strikes, irregularity in attendance without the permission of the authorities concerned etc., the authority sanctioning the scholarship may either cancel the scholarship or stop or withhold further payment for such period as it may think fit.

ii) If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false statement, his/her scholarship will be cancelled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid will be recovered, at the discretion of the concerned State Government. The student concerned will be blacklisted and debarred for scholarship in any scheme forever.

iii) A scholarship awarded may be cancelled if the scholar changes the subject of the course of study for which the scholarship was originally awarded or changes the Institution of study, without prior approval of the State Government. The Head of the Institution shall report such cases to them and stop payment of the scholarship money. The amount already paid may also be recovered at the discretion of the State Government.

iv) A scholar is liable to refund the scholarship amount at the discretion of the State Government, if during the course of the year, the studies for which the scholarship has been awarded, is discontinued by him/her.

v) The regulations can be changed at anytime at the discretion of the Government of India.

Procedure for Applying

i) An application for scholarship should comprise:

(a) One copy of the application for scholarship in the prescribed form (separate application forms prescribed for ‘fresh’ and renewal of scholarship by the concerned States/UTs).

(b) One copy of the passport size photograph with signatures of the student thereon (for fresh scholarship).

(c) One attested copy of certificates, diploma, degree etc. in respect of all examinations passed.

(d) An income declaration by the self-employed parents/guardians, stating definite income from all sources by way of an affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper. Employed parents/guardians are required to obtain income certificate from their employer and for any additional income from other sources, they would furnish declaration by way of an affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper.

(e) Proof of permanent residence.

i)A receipt in acknowledgement of the scholarship in the previous year on the form attached to the application duly counter-signed by the Head of the Institution concerned, if the application was in receipt of a scholarship under this scheme in the preceding year.

ii) The State department should satisfy itself that the student belongs to a particular minority community.

iii) Application complete in all respects shall be submitted to the Head of the Institution, being attended or last attended by the candidates and shall be addressed to an officer specified for this purpose by the Government of State/ Union Territory to which the student belongs, in accordance with the instructions issued by them from time to time.

Eligibility criteria

1. Students, who have got admission in a recognized college to pursue technical/professional courses, on the basis of a competitive examination.

2. Students, who have got admission in a recognized college to pursue technical/professional courses, without facing any competitive examination, will also be eligible for scholarship. However, such students should have not less than 50% marks at higher secondary/graduation level. Selection of these students will be done strictly of merit.

3. A scholarship holder under this scheme will not avail any other scholarship/stipend for pursuing the course.

4. The annual family income of the beneficiary/parent or guardian of the beneficiary should not exceed Rs.2.50 lakh per annum from all sources.

5. A student residing in a particular State/UT will be entitled for scholarship under the quota of that State/UT only irrespective of his place of study.

How to apply

Applications in the prescribed format may be submitted to the Secretary of the, deptt. of the concerned State Govt/UT administration, dealing with minority welfare, through the institutions where the students are pursuing technical/professional courses. The student must submit their applications to the state which he/she belongs to and not to the state where the institution where he/she is studying, is located.

Scholarship from Infosys for school students

Scholarship from Infosys for school students
Infosys foundation backed Prerana, a NGO group offers scholarship for students who have finished 10th standard this year (2010). Students who have scored 80% and above are eligible for this scholarship. Anyone interested can contact the NGO-Prerana. The NGO is conducting a written test and those who clear the test will be eligible for financial help for their further studies.
Students can contact the people mentioned below to get the form:
580, Shubhakar, 44th cross, 1st A main road, Jayanagar, 7th block, Bangalore.
Contact numbers:
1. Ms. Saraswati - 99009 06338
2. Mr. Shivkumar - 99866 30301
3. Ms. Bindu - 99645 34667

An Academic Uplift and a Golden Opportunity to Poor Muslim Students

An Academic Uplift and a Golden Opportunity to Poor Muslim Students

A man or woman needs not only a shelter, clothing and food but requires a qualitative ‘EDUCATION’. A wise man can make his neighbors wiser through his wisdom. A qualitative education will certainly make a man wise.

With regard to Muslims in general are deprived from higher jobs as they are not afford to pay and get the education but for which they are eligible. This is due to poverty, social status and communal bind over. It is regret to know that only 3 to 4% of Muslim children are being offered school education. Parents are leaving them to live on their own earnings by making them mechanic boys, fruit vendors, coolies, hamalies and other unskilled labour. And in turn, later on the children of these downtrodden parents are becoming the true representatives of their parents. It is even painful to note that only 17% of the total school going Muslim children is reaching 10th class and among them only 4% of students are entering the degree level studies and only 2% from this level are managed to study the PG courses.

Learning any subject in Mother tongue is easier than learning in a foreign (other) language. There are High Schools offering education in Urdu Language in our district and at the same time there is not even a Junior College in the district which offers science groups in Urdu medium.

Iin the interest of the Muslim students especially of those economically backward, R.K.Junior College, a well furnished well equipped and also with the experienced faculty established at Sreeramapuram (Battamdoddi cross) on N.H 219(Chittoor Road) is offering Science groups in Urdu Medium since last academic year. The First Year & Second Year students who were presented to Intermediate Ist year & 2nd Year exams, 2010 from this Institution are blessed with good rankings. The students who join this institution are facilitated with the government financial sanctions such as scholarships, fee exemptions etc.,

The ‘AL- MARIF’ Trust of Palamaner was pleased to help the poor students of this Institution during last year by extending required finance towards the expenditure for running free hostels at the Institution separately for boys and girls. Due to unavailability of funds, the above Charitable Trust expressed their inability to extend any finance this year. Expecting the financial help from them the management could venture the project of running a free hostel for this year and also for coming years. As the management have no other source of aid to run the hostel, we request the Muslim Charitable Trusts to extend their helping hand by financing for running the hostels and to meet the other educational needs of the poor students.

The management is intend to offer free education for at least 100 students from economically the most backward students. Donors are requested humbly to offer their mite to meet such expenditure.

Please contact us with your esteemed contribution and / or for assistance……

P.Ayub Khan

R.K.Educational & Charitable Trust,

Sreeramapuram,Karasanapalli Post,

Chittoor Dt. A.P 517247

Cell No. 09849209263

IDB Scholarship - Last date 25th August 2010

IDB Scholarship - Last date 25th August 2010
Applications are invited for the IDB Scholarship from meritorious but financially needy Muslim students granted admission or intend to seek admission in the academic session 2010-2011 in the first year of degree course in the fields of Medicine and Engineering, (all branches) including Homeopathy, Unani, Ayurvedic, Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, Food Technology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Law. Applicants for Bachelor Courses in B.B.A. and LL.B. should have scored minimum 60% marks in English and optional/elective subjects in 10+2 or Qualifying Examination.
The scholarship is offered as an Interest-Free Loan to be refunded in installments after completion of the graduation. The applicants should have passed SSC (10+2) with minimum 60% marks in English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Mathematics.
Application for can also be downloaded from our websites
http://www.sit-india.org/ http://www.metdelhi.org/
Application form duly completed in all respects with necessary copies of required documents should reach the MUSLIM EDUCATION TRUST office on the address given above latest by 25th August 2010.

Thanks to Imran and Kaleemullah


On behalf of the central Ministry of Minority Affairs, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has invited applications for the award of Maulana Azad National Fellowships from the candidates belonging to the minority communities who have ensured / applied / registered for admission in universities / academic institutions for regular and full time M.Phil / Ph.D in Arts, Science, Commerce and Engineering/Technology. Prior clearance of NET / SLET is not required. The duration of the fellowship shall be 2 years for M.Phil. and 5 years for Ph.D. The monthly fellowship amount is Rs 12,000/- to Rs 14,000/- in addition to annual contingency of Rs 10,000/- to Rs 25,000/-. Maximum numbers of these fellowships have been earmarked for Muslim students.
Candidates can print the form online: http://www.ugc.ac.in/notices/manfminoritystudents2010.pdf or from Employment News / Rozgar Samachar dated 6-12 March 2010.
By 05 April 2010 the properly filled in application form should reach the Under Secretary (SA-II / SR-III), University Grants Commission, Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 after it is duly forwarded by the Registrar / Director / Principal of the concerned University / Institution / College, where the fellow desires to undertake the proposed research work.
Issued in public interest by
A-11, Khajoori Road, Batla House, New Delhi 110 025
www.zakatindia.org Email: info@zakatindia.org

SIT Sholarship for Professional Courses

SIT Sholarship for Professional Courses

In continuation to last year program, The Student Islamic Trust invites applications from the students of weaker section of society for the admission in B Tech, Diploma in Engineering, BUMS, MBA & MCA courses in various Government approved engineering colleges of India.
Eligibility Criteria: Minimum 60% marks in 10+2 (in PCM and English), AIEEE, UPTECH rank holders will get preference and admission to AICTE recognized colleges is a MUST.
The scholarship is available for B.U.M.S., MBA & MCA Courses
Also for B.Tech., and Diploma in Engineering. In the following branches:

  1. Computer Science
  2. Electronic Communication
  3. Electronics & Electrical
  4. Information Technology
  5. Civil Engineering
  6. Mechanical Engineering

Students are requested to send an application along with their mark sheet statement, photographs and income certificate. The applications should be addressed to
The Chairman,
The Students Islamic Trust,
E-3, Abul Fazal Enclave,
Jamia Nagar, New Delhi - 110025
For more details regarding the admission process and online registration please visit our website www.sit-india.org. Students are encouraged to apply immediately, since limited standings are available to the branches.

Educational Centres

Educational Centres
1. C. Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering & Technology,
2. C. Abdul Hakeem College of Arts & Sciences,
3. MMES College for Women,
4. Madarsa-e-Mifta-ul-Uloom Arabic College,
5. Madarsa-e-Mombul-ul-Hasnath Arabic College,
6. Islamiah Boys Higher Secondary School,
7. Islamiah Girls Higher Secondary School,
8. K.H. Matriculation & Higher Secondary School,
9. Islamiah Elementary School,
10. Falah-ul-Muslmeen (FM) Elementary School,
11. Khair-e-Jariya Primary School,
12. Hakeem Nursery & Primary School,
13. Crescent Nursery,
14. Royal Nursery,
15. Anjuman-e-Mohidual Islam Orphanage School,
16. Citizen Nursery